The Biology of Inner Dialogue: Self-Talk is Physical

Mary Ellen Carlson is a trauma-therapist and owner of Longmont Counseling Center. In the article below, she shares some insight into the physical impacts of self-talk.

“When we show up and are observing ourselves and our reactions, we begin this process of choosing to intervene or take back control in a moment that might be running on instinct. Realizing that the baby steps of noticing, the work to find the hidden message and re-write that, and the effort to notice-and-replace all begin to add up. The work of re-writing our inner script is in fact re-writing neuronal pathways in the brain. This is a physical healing so that our baseline and automatic responses change to what is more effective and helpful for us.” - Mary Ellen Carlson, MA, LPC | Owner & Founder of Longmont Counseling Center


The Power of Self-Talk in Reversing a Trauma-Response